Three Easy Ways To Add Google Plus To Your Blog

Three Easy Ways To Add Google Plus To Your Blog

Launched on June 28, 2011, Google+ is the social extension of Google; it is the newest and most innovative social networking and social sharing site currently on the web. And under this one umbrella, individuals can create a profile and share and view content. Users can also add other individuals to their circles (the friend, family, acquaintances management feature), video chat using the Hangout feature, receive newsfeeds from the Stream feature, and play games, view pictures and a whole lot more.

Simply put, Google Plus is another method of connecting people, and this application can be beneficial to any user regardless of their objective. Individuals using Google+ just for fun can meet and reconnect with folks of similar interests and those using this application for their business and blogging needs will be able to stretch their message even farther.

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Google+ and Blogging:

Google Plus is not primarily a blogging aid, but because of its effective social sharing features and its ability to be integrated into blogs it has been and will continue to affect bloggers in a positive way. Because connecting with individuals and businesses within a similar niche is the key to blogging growth, Google+ has proven itself. Below are three easy ways to add Google plus to your blog.

Three Easy Ways to Add Google Plus to your Blog:

Adding the Widget: The Google+ widget will completely take the place of the Google Friend Connect Feature; it allows visitors to add you to their Google+ circle with one single click of the button. Sites like WidgetPlus give you the easy to integrate HTML code to get you started.
Get the Google+ 1 Button: Much like the Facebook like button, The Google+ 1 button allows visitors to give a particular post on your blog a “Plus One” which will in turn make that post more popular with search engines. BloggerSentral shares an easy tutorial on how to add it to your site.
Replace your Blogger Profile with Google+ Profile: Google gives users the option of eliminating their blogger profile by replacing it with their Google+ profile. You will share your posts in the Google+ stream. Perks of this option include managing one less profile and being more SEO friendly.
There are many ways to add Google Plus to your blog, above are just three simple ideas you can try today.

I remember when Facebook was only available to college students and Myspace was the big boy in town. The only boy in town. It took several years before it became the sensation it is today. Something tells me that Google + is going to take on a similar path, as in it will take a few years before it is widely adopted by the masses and used on a daily basis. Right now most users are early adopters and the tech savvy, but in time – this will change. Just yesterday I seen a commercial on TV showcasing and promoting Google Plus, the social network.

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